You can remove wrinkles with Photoshop in avarietyof ways, including cloning them away withtheClone Stamp tool or patching them using thePatch tool. However, if you remove all the wrinklesand give a person perfectly smooth skin, the effectisnot believable. Using the Healing Brush tool andaseparate layer, you can maintain more control overthe corrections and give your subject a rejuvenatedyet natural appearance.You can modify the Healing Brush and change itsshape and angle so that your brush strokes are not as visible when you literally paint away the wrinkles.You can create your wrinkle-removing brush bychanging attributes in the Brush Picker in the Optionsbar. The effect appears even more realistic if you usea pressure-sensitive pen tablet and set the HealingBrush to respond to pressure.After you brush away the years, you can changetheopacity of the altered layer to reintroduce justenough wrinkles to appear natural.
1 Click and drag the Backgroundlayer thumbnail over the NewLayer icon to duplicate the layer.
2 Click the Zoom tool and zoominto enlarge the areas withwrinkles.
3 Click here to add a new emptylayer.
4 Click and hold the Spot HealingBrush tool and select the HealingBrush.
5 Click here to open the BrushPicker.
6 Set the Master Diameter slidertoa brush size wide enough tocover the deepest wrinkles.
7 Drag the Hardness slider toabout 50 percent.
8 Click one dot on the circle in thethumbnail and drag toward thecenter to change the roundnessof the brush.
9 Drag the arrowhead to changethe angle of the stroke in thedirection of the deepest wrinkles.
10 Click here and select All Layers.
11 Press Option+click(Alt+click) an area ofclear skin near onewrinkle to sample.
12 Click and drag directlyon the first wrinkles topaint them away.
13 Click here and repeatsteps 8 to 12, changingthe brush angle androundness for the otherwrinkles.
14 Click the Zoom tool.
15 Press Option (Alt) andclick in the image tozoom out.
16 With the top layer selected, click here anddrag the slider until the wrinkles appeardiminished and still natural.
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